Chronic Prostatitis: symptoms and treatment

Chronic Prostatitis — the most common inflammatory disease of the male sexual organs. He meets the young men, and men in old age. The statistics says that 80 years ago, 8 of 10 men, what are the chronic Prostatitis, the on the own experience.

What is chronic Prostatitis

Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate. Most often lead to its formation are not treated infections of the genitourinary system in time. As a catalyst for the development of the inflammation to hypothermia, lack of physical activity, decreased immunity due to other diseases, sexually transmitted diseases, the presence of harmful habits, constant fatigue and Stress.

Peak incidence in 20 to 40 years, the active age. However, to reveal this disease is often difficult symptoms of Prostatitis is often disguised as other diseases, and conversely, diseases of other organs can Prostatitis the clinical picture, similar to the.

Normal prostate and inflamed

One distinguishes between acute bacterial Prostatitis and chronic Prostatitis . The first type is rare — not more than 5% of all cases. 95% is chronic Prostatitis, which is extremely rare as a consequence of the acute Form of the disease. Often, chronic Prostatitis is a primary.

For Help
The prostate takes part in the maintenance of the proper pH of the urinary tract and the viability of the sperm, protect the genitourinary system against infection.

Symptoms of chronic Prostatitis

The first signs of the development of Prostatitis the occurrence of complaints, and or sharp pulling pain in the lower abdomen. Sometimes pain in the thigh or lower back and often escalates after ejaculation.

Very fast dysfunction — reduced Libido, problems with erection and duration of sexual intercourse is designed and sexual. And finally, pain begins to accompany each water.

If you notice in similar symptoms, do not self-treat determine, Prostatitis or other disease, can only be a doctor.

Laboratory signs of chronic Prostatitis

The diagnosis is based not only on the basis of complaints of the patient to reveal Prostatitis, and laboratory analyses are required. In particular, the analysis of urine, ejaculate and prostatic secretions. In addition, ULTRASOUND is often the investigation for the determination of the size and shape of the prostate.

If chronic bacterial Prostatitis erythrocytes found in the microscopic research of the secret of the prostate gland, is characterized by the presence of Escherichia coli, enterobacteria, clostridium, or other microorganisms in the ejaculate. In the case of chronic non-bacterial Prostatitis laboratory analysis, the presence of leukocytes in the secret of the prostate and in the third section of the urine show.

Methods of treatment of chronic Prostatitis

In General, Prostatitis with conservative methods be successfully treated. But the therapy must be comprehensive. In addition, it is strongly recommended to reconsider the way of life — an unbalanced diet, lack of exercise, and promiscuity play a really big role in the development of chronic Prostatitis.


The drug therapy has a number of objectives — are painkillers and anti-inflammatories as well as drugs, activating regenerative and immunomodulatory function of the body's cells. Rather, the treatment of chronic Prostatitis course of taking antibiotics requires. The course lasts about six weeks, sometimes it takes several approaches. For the prevention of dysbiosis probiotic supplements to prescribe.

Prostate Massage

Prostate Massage is done manually through the Anus. This is not the most pleasant procedure, but its effectiveness is very high.


The treatment of chronic Prostatitis thermal physical therapy gives good results by improving the micro-circulation and absorption of drugs in the tissue. Among the physiotherapeutic methods ultrasound, heating, and irrigation with antibacterial solution with the help of the enemas.


To treat In many sanatoriums successful chronic Prostatitis methods of balneotherapy, that is, with the help of mineral water. For the treatment of Prostatitis patients usually assigned to weak water mineralization, both in the Form of baths. There are the well-known resorts, where to a Prostatitis treat.


Start a special diet should meet at the first signs of a Prostatitis. First and foremost, you should refrain from alcoholic beverages, since alcohol irritates the leakings of the prostate, increase pain and inflammation. You also need to eliminate the intake of fatty meats, to the formation of cholesterol Plaques, and a further deterioration of the blood circulation. Are forbidden legumes, mushrooms, offal, salted, and spiced foods, tea and coffee, carbonated drinks, and pastries.

Diet in chronic Prostatitis should be seeds, foods rich in zinc (found in seafood and pumpkin). It is recommended that a lot of fruit (except those fruits on the gasification — e.g. cauliflower), dairy products, cereals and dry.

It should be understood that the diet in the chronic Prostatitis — not a temporary measure. If you have been given such a diagnosis, the principles of the proper diet should be followed continuously, because otherwise a relapse is inevitable.

Surgical Procedures

Surgery for Prostatitis appointed only rarely. The risk of complications and failure of treatment and over a long period of Rehabilitation outweigh the benefits of the surgical procedure with. Therefore, the Operation in this case — is an Extreme measure. A surgical intervention only in cases where conservative treatment does not the desired effect, and also in cases of urgency, abscesse of the prostate, purulent abscesses of the adjacent tissue, the lack of water, the presence of stones in the kidneys and the urinary bladder, benign prostate hyperplasia, or suspicious for cancer.

The main methods of surgical treatment of Prostatitis are:

  • Prostatectomy — the complete removal of the prostate gland;
  • prostate resection — removal of part of the gland;
  • circumcisio — circular Amputation of the entire foreskin for the prevention of Prostatitis, and the treatment of its chronic forms;
  • Drainage of the abscess with the goal of purulent content.

The treatment of Prostatitis takes many months and does not always lead to full recovery. If you the diagnosis of "chronic Prostatitis", prepare yourself for the fact that it is necessary to change your lifestyle, otherwise the therapy would be pointless. Undoubtedly, the prevention of Prostatitis, is much easier than treatment. In order to prevent the development of this disease, always use a barrier protection products, try to move as much as possible (the Prostatitis — the disease, lack of exercise), stick to the right diet, and avoid under-cooling.