Comprehensive treatment of prostatitis: causes, symptoms, folk and drug treatment

Groin pain in prostatitis

Prostatitis is a disease of the genitourinary system that occurs due to inflammation of the prostate and pathological increase in its size, causing difficulty in urination. This pathology is most common in men between the ages of twenty and fifty. It should also be noted that the symptoms of prostatitis can not appear in any way for a long time.

To the doctor for prostatitis

The reasons

Causes of the disease:

  1. hereditary predisposition to the disease.
  2. circulatory disorders.
  3. inactive lifestyle.
  4. Pathologies of the formation and development of the genitourinary system.
  5. infectious diseases.
  6. Injuries to the pelvic organs.
  7. hormonal disorders.
  8. Postponed STDs.
  9. Insufficient bowel movements.
  10. Violation of the rules of personal hygiene.
  11. Promiscuous sexual relationships.
  12. Use of urological catheters.
  13. hypothermia.
  14. Age-related changes in the body.

All of these factors can induce the development of prostate adenoma in men. It should also be noted that in no case should you try to fix this problem yourself, as this can aggravate the course of the disease.

Pain in prostatitis


Symptoms of acute prostatitis are an increase in body temperature and frequent urination, which is accompanied by pain and weak pressure. In addition, burning sensation in the perineum and pain in the rectum during defecation are indicators of prostatitis. During the period of purulent inflammation, unexpected opening of the abscess and outflow of pus from the urethra or rectum are possible.

Complaints in prostatitis

A sign of chronic prostatitis is a strong burning sensation in the urethra and perineum, the release of pus at the end of defecation or urination, high asthenia and nervousness in men.

It is very dangerous for prostatitis to have difficult urination which, if not treated quickly, can lead to acute urinary retention.

Men do not have to ignore such indirect symptoms of the development of prostatitis as an absolute or partial decrease in sexual desire, accelerated ejaculation, in some cases painful prolonged erection at night. All signs are characteristic of inflammation of the prostate while it is still in an uncomplicated stage and amenable to adequate treatment.

If we talk about manifestations that are obvious even to a layperson, then in most situations patients pay attention to colorless or, in some cases, purulent discharge from the urethra, which is especially noticeable in the morning, and the presence of white flakes and threads in the urine.

When symptoms of prostatitis appear, treatment and medication are prescribed only by a specialist.


The severity of the symptoms of the disease simplifies the diagnosis, however, the diagnosis is a necessary condition for the differential differentiation of adjacent conditions.

Urinalysis for prostatitis

For effective complex treatment of prostatitis, including drugs and folk remedies, timely diagnosis of the disease using various methods is necessary, which must be carried out in order to obtain accurate data:

  1. Collection of anamnestic data. It is the primary method of gathering information investigating the nature of the patient's complaints.
  2. Rectal tactile palpation. The patient is examined in the knee-elbow position, then the doctor inserts the index finger into the anus and gently palpates the prostate. This method allows you to determine the intensity of pain and the degree of enlargement of the organ.
  3. Conducting an ultrasound scan. It is done in two ways. It is either performed through the abdominal wall or by inserting the device into the anatomical cavity of the rectum. For the study it is necessary to follow a diet and conduct a complete bowel movement. This method allows you to get clear information about the nature of the disease.
  4. Studying the general analysis of urine. It is carried out in order to study the nature of the inflammation and analyze the bacterial flora.
  5. Analysis of testosterone levels. It is an additional diagnostic method and allows you to determine the functional characteristics of sperm.
  6. Examination of the somatic condition of the patient.

Medical therapy

A comprehensive set of drugs for the treatment of prostatitis: hormonal, anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating drugs and strong antibiotics. All can interact with each other and go well with folk methods.


To quickly get rid of the bacteria that cause the disease, experts prescribe antibiotics to patients. Such preparations can be made in the form of tablets, capsules, rectal suppositories.

In order for the treatment to give a good result, you need to take the medicine for at least 2-3 weeks.


If such therapy was not effective or the disease did not appear due to the development of bacteria, the doctor prescribes anti-inflammatory drugs.

Drugs of this type relieve inflammation, reduce swelling. Due to the pain-relieving effect, the patient feels much better. You need to take medicines in a short course, as they negatively affect the functioning of the digestive system.

alpha blockers

During the treatment period, rapid improvement of the condition can be achieved with the help of alpha blockers. The drugs help improve urinary and sexual function. Drugs act directly on the nervous system, which is responsible for the work of the muscles of the urethra and bladder. As a result, the spasm decreases, pain when urinating disappears, inflammation decreases.

Rectal suppositories

To carry out the treatment as safely as possible without affecting the kidneys and liver, you can use rectal suppositories. Usually they contain painkillers, medicinal herbs, bee products, antibiotics.

Candles help relieve inflammation, reduce swelling and pain. Restores blood circulation and urinary function. Usually the treatment lasts 10 days.


Immunomodulators are necessary to support the body during treatment, improve the functioning of the immune system and the general condition of the patient. With the help of hormonal drugs, it is possible to eliminate inflammation and restore sexual function. They are usually prescribed when the patient has low levels of male hormones.

folk methods

Effective treatment of prostatitis with folk remedies includes the use of various fees and herbs. In some cases, experts independently recommend combining an alternative treatment with a traditional treatment to speed up the onset of action.

Celandine used to treat prostatitis

Popular recipes are:

  1. Celandine with honey. It is recommended to use it after completing the complex treatment. It is important to know that the use of celandine in acute inflammation is strictly prohibited. Treatment can only be carried out after the inflammation has subsided. Next, the celandine must be boiled in a ratio of 1: 7 and leave on fire for 15 minutes. After the solution has cooled, it must be filtered through gauze and add 500 g of natural honey. For the desired effect, the contents must be placed in the refrigerator, and then use at least 3 tablespoons per day (it is better to divide them into 3 doses).
  2. hazel or its bark. They have the same effect on the body, so they can be brewed alternately. It is important to remember that the rind should be cooked 2 times longer due to its natural stiffness. A tablespoon of hazel is dissolved in a glass of boiling water, left for half an hour, after which the solution can be taken in a quarter cup several times a day. Each time before the procedure it is necessary to brew fresh branches. As a rule, a few interventions are sufficient for the prostatitis to subside completely.
  3. The complex treatment of prostatitis at home in men also includes aspen. In addition to hazelnut bark, you can also use the bark of this tree. The disadvantage of this method is that only fresh aspen bark, harvested in the second half of April, will do. The thickness of the bark should also not exceed 5 mm. The bark must be dried, then crushed and poured 200 g of vodka. In order for the solution to infuse, it must be sent to a dark place for 2 weeks. Then the tincture, diluted with another liquid, should be drunk at least 3 times a day. The indicated dosage should be sufficient for at least 2 months of treatment.
  4. In the treatment of prostatitis, the most effective folk remedy is wormwood. The plant is known for being recommended for use in all inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system, and prostatitis is no exception. Due to its properties, wormwood, when passing through the gastrointestinal tract, cleanses the body of infectious agents. For treatment, it is enough to have only 100 g of dry weed, which should be crushed with your hands and then passed through a sieve. Thus, 2 types of wormwood should be obtained - the past sieve can be consumed dry inside, and the one that remained outside can be used in solutions for douching. The methods of taking wormwood change as the treatment progresses. In the first days you need to take a pinch of dry vermouth every 2 hours, you can not take a break even at night. Moreover, for 4 days it is no longer necessary to take the plant at night, but during the day - at least 5-6 times. You should also do microclysters every night. To do this, take 1 tablespoon of wormwood and dilute it with a liter of boiling water. When the solution has cooled to 40 degrees, it should be filtered and poured into the anus. The same solution must be used for rinsing - the temperature should be about the same as body temperature. The edges of the flesh should be pulled back and the solution injected so that it continues to flow through the canal. If used correctly, pus will start to come out of the ducts after a few days.

These herbs are considered the most commonly used in the treatment of prostatitis and have proven results. Before using folk remedies for the effective treatment of prostatitis, it is recommended to additionally make sure that there is no allergic reaction and stop taking them if side effects are detected.


The weakening and atrophy of the perineum muscles in men leads to a deterioration in the blood supply and venous outflow in the prostate. Because of this, physical exercises such as squats have a very positive effect on the male urogenital system. If you squat regularly, you can keep the muscles of the perineum in good shape, which in turn ensures good erectile function and a healthy prostate.

Squats for prostatitis

Consider the most effective types of squats as a method of treating prostatitis:

  1. Classic squats. It is necessary to stand up straight, feet shoulder width apart. Squats are performed by bending the legs at the knees without lifting the heels off the floor, the back is straight, it is desirable to squat below the level of the pelvis.
  2. Squats on an "invisible" imaginary chair.
  3. Squats on one leg while the other leg is extended forward. I must say that this exercise is suitable for physically prepared men.
  4. Squats with added weights, namely barbells. It is better to do such squats with a small weight and only after consulting a urologist. You need to start the squat complex with a small number of repetitions (up to 10 times), gradually increasing their number, ideally you need to bring the squat to 100 repetitions.


Prevention of prostatitis, which occurs due to the inflammatory process in the prostate, can be divided into two types, namely:

  • prevention of the primary development of the disease;
  • Prevention of re-inflammation after treatment of already diagnosed prostatitis.

Preventive measures are of a similar nature in both cases and should be considered in men at risk (age after 30 years, sedentary lifestyle, work related to pelvic vibration, unstable or irregular sex life, hypothermia).


So, among the conditions for the prevention and prevention of prostatitis, you need to deal with:

  1. physical activity. At the same time, the emphasis should be on outdoor sports, swimming, fitness, and in case of recurrence of the disease, excessive physical exertion (weight training) and cycling should be avoided.
  2. Normalization and control of nutrition, namely excessively fatty, smoked, fried, pickled and salty foods, should be limited. The focus of nutrition should be on foods that normalize bowel function (to prevent hemorrhoids), drink plenty of water, and minimize alcohol consumption.
  3. Normalization of sex life (frequent change of partners can lead to various infections in the genital area and, as a result, the appearance of an inflammatory process in the prostate).

In addition, regular sexual intercourse with a steady partner (2-3 times a week) will help prevent congestion and ensure good blood flow to the prostate.