Can folk remedies cure chronic prostatitis?

Prostatitis is a serious disease associated with inflammatory processes of the genitals, one of which is the prostate. Start treating prostatitis, including alternative methods.

Chronic prostatitis occurs over a long period of time. Symptoms appear much later than acute prostatitis, and long-term treatment is prescribed. The manifestation of symptoms can be of several forms:

  • With pain in the groin area;
  • Painful urination;
  • With pain in the anus;
  • With frequent use of the toilet;
  • With a feeling of heaviness in the groin area;
  • In the absence of arousal and erection;
  • With weak excitation of the genital organ;
  • Pain during ejaculation;
  • With spontaneous ejaculation;

If most of the symptoms are noticed, you should see your doctor immediately and undergo an exam after passing all required tests.

Traditional methods of treatment

Many men wonder if folk remedies can cure chronic prostatitis. The answer lies in the effectiveness of traditional medical treatments. Many doctors recommend this method as one of the most important, along with prostate massage and the use of antibiotics. Folk remedies are made from natural ingredients that have a beneficial effect on all organs of the human body.

A man cured chronic prostatitis with folk remedies

This method of treatment has a positive effect on the functioning of the pelvic organs. Blood circulation improves, blood clots liquefy, damaged cells in the tissues of the prostate are restored. In addition, folk remedies do not contain chemical additives that affect the body during treatment. However, such treatment is effective only in the early stages of the disease and, when combined with antibiotics, gives a positive result. It is possible to treat prostatitis by relying only on drugs of folk origin, but it takes too long and is not very effective in advanced cases.

Treatment with plant seeds

So the traditional way to treat the disease is with pumpkin seeds. They contain high amounts of zinc, which is one of the main ingredients needed for testosterone production in men. Seeds eliminate hormonal disorders in the body. A handful of seeds should be eaten before meals for two months. You can make honey pulp from pumpkin seeds. Raw materials should be ground in a meat or coffee grinder and mixed with honey. Swallow by mouth before eating. Alternative treatment for chronic prostatitis using this method has a positive effect.

Pumpkin seeds with honey help against chronic prostatitis

Parsley seeds. Grind the seeds to a powdery consistency and dilute a few tablespoons with a quart of water. Take three times a day before meals.

Treatment with tinctures based on tree fruits

Chestnuts will tell you how to treat chronic prostatitis with folk remedies. In the fight against the disease, the stomach helps - a kind of chestnut. The fruits of Aesculus themselves are poisonous and unsuitable for consumption, but their bark has medicinal properties. The chestnut is considered ripe in September, when its skin is saturated with nutrients and acquires medicinal value.

Before preparing the broth, the bowl should be dried a little at room temperature. Dry raw materials are brewed with boiling water. For effective treatment, you need to drink one glass a day before meals. This infusion has another effect on the body - it increases appetite. For this reason, many people use enemas after adding some warm water to the infusion. Before use, you need to clean the rectum when going to the toilet. It is advisable to do enemas once a day at bedtime.

Pear as a means of effectively treating chronic prostatitis using folk remedies. The fruits of the pear tree help well in treating prostatitis. It is best to drink fruit compote. This method is suitable for both treatment and prevention. An alternative option in winter is to dry the foliage and fruits of the pear tree. Herbal tea made from this raw material prevents the occurrence of chronic prostatitis and also contributes to a quick recovery.

Treatment with decoctions based on wooden raw materials

Treatment of chronic prostatitis in men will help a folk remedy based on hazelnuts. It is necessary to take several branches of hazel and their leaves, pour hot water and boil for about 10 minutes. Then naturally cool the infusion. The cooled broth must be filtered and poured into a container that resembles a basin. Dilute the liquid with hot water and soak the perineum for 20 minutes. These baths should be taken daily.

Treatment of prostatitis with folk remedies, the main ingredient of which is aspen. During the sap harvest, the bark is removed from the tree. It is important that it has not yet blossomed. The top layer of 3 millimeters is removed from the aspen, after which it is dried in the sun or in room conditions. Dry bark must be crumbled into small pieces and filled with alcohol in a ratio of 1: 1 diluted with water. It is recommended to steep raw materials for about two weeks and store in a dark, dry place. For the best effect, the tincture should be shaken once a day throughout the cooking time. After the allotted time, the liquid should be filtered through a filter in the form of a tea strainer or with gauze. The duration of treatment with this infusion is 2 months. It is necessary to take 1 milliliter a day before meals, having diluted it with a little water.

Treatment with medicinal herbs

Celandine. Mix dry herb with alcohol and leave in a glass jar for about 10 days. After that, it is necessary to strain the tincture and take 1 milliliter 3 times a day, having diluted it with water. After ten days of treatment, you need to pause for a week and a half, and then start taking the drug again.

Alcohol tincture from celandine - a folk remedy for chronic prostatitis

Parsley green. To get juice, you need to grind the raw materials well. Take the resulting liquid in a teaspoon before each meal.

Kalanchoe. The sap has an anti-inflammatory effect. The substances contained in it actively destroy bacteria that infect cells. The leaves of the plant must be finely chopped and crushed to obtain juice. For proper preparation, you should take a glass of such a mass and then pour 2, 5 glasses of alcohol. Insist on the resulting mixture in a dark place for 5 days. Taking this drug relieves swelling, improves blood flow to the pelvic organs, and also normalizes blood pressure. It is recommended to take the tincture before meals, one teaspoon once a day.

Fees in the treatment of prostatitis

The collection of willow tea, ginseng, and meadowsweet will relieve inflammation well. You can add some licorice to them. Pour equal amounts of boiling water over the herbs and let them rest for about 30 minutes. After that, the broth should be cooled. Take a glass once a day before meals. This collection in its current form can be added to propolis by making candles. A mixture of these medicinal components not only relieves inflammation, but also reduces swelling and pain when urinating.

An excellent remedy is a mixture of mint, nettle, horsetail, and marigold petals. Calendula soothes inflammation and has an antiseptic effect and improves blood circulation. Healing mint improves kidney function and relieves discomfort when using the toilet. Nettle enriches the body with vitamins A, B, C, increases the number of lecithin grains and improves the quality of sperm. In addition, it enriches the blood with iron and increases immunity. Horsetail has healing and antibacterial properties, and it also removes toxins from the body. To get a decoction of these herbs, you need to mix them in equal proportions and pour boiling water over them. Insist on a couple of days. Take a spoonful of it before each meal.

Juices in the fight against disease

Effective in the fight against prostatitis and juice treatment. It is important to understand that the commercially available product is made of powder and does not have beneficial properties. Because of this, treatment requires the availability of fresh products - fruits and vegetables.

Carrot juice helps improve potency by increasing the activity and quality of sperm. Half a glass of the liquid must be drunk daily before each meal. As concentrated juice can lead to yellowing of the skin, it should be diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1.

Natural juices are effective helpers in the fight against chronic prostatitis

Fresh cucumber juice lowers blood pressure, improves blood circulation and relieves swelling. The concentrate should be diluted 1: 1 with water and drunk one liter daily on an empty stomach. However, such treatment is contraindicated in kidney and stomach diseases.

Beet juice improves blood circulation in the body, helps eliminate toxins, and also improves blood pressure. Beets also have healing properties. The diluted liquid must be taken daily before each meal.

Other methods

Prevention should also be done to prevent chronic prostatitis from occurring. This is necessary to prevent new diseases from developing and to prevent an existing one from developing. Carrying out simple measures that traditional medicine relies on will help maintain regular sexual intercourse, improve the patient's physical performance, and also normalize the lifestyle.

First of all, you need to switch to proper diet, which includes eating a balanced diet. Add products that have a beneficial effect on the central nervous system and strengthen the walls of blood vessels, as well as products that improve blood circulation.

You should start exercising to improve physical performance. Systematic physical education will help improve blood circulation, strengthen blood vessel walls and muscle tissue. In addition, endurance exercises will help get rid of obesity problems and normalize hormone levels. This improves well-being and increases potency.

Eat foods rich in vitamins. These include cooked fish, cooked chicken fillets, broccoli, carrots, fresh tomatoes, and cucumbers.

It is recommended to take funds that strengthen the immune system. The best immune stimulants are fresh fruits and vegetables. The best option is freshly squeezed juices.

In addition, a visit to the attending physician for a prostate examination is mandatory.

Many treatment methods have positive reviews, but your priority should be: antibiotics, prostate massage and treatment with natural products recommended by traditional medicine.