Treatment of prostatitis in men: drugs

Attending doctor with prostatitis medication

Prostatitis is the most common disease in urology. Prostatitis develops for several reasons:

  • Venereal diseases;
  • irregular sex;
  • Way of life;
  • decreased immunity.

Modern medicine offers a wide variety of drugs to treat and prevent prostatitis. Only the attending physician decides which drugs to take for prostatitis in men. Bringing chronic prostatitis into remission and neutralizing acute pain requires not just medication, but a number of procedures.

Often times, prostatitis is confused with prostate adenoma, but you need to clearly understand that these are completely different diagnoses. Although the principles of treatment for these diseases are similar in some ways, there are differences.

Signs and complications

Prostatitis is an inflammatory process in the prostate.

Signs of this disease are:

  • Discomfort when urinating;
  • sharp or aching pains in the genitals, lower abdomen;
  • increased body temperature;
  • Discharge from the urethra.

Prostatitis has more than just uncomfortable symptoms. He is dangerousComplications:

  • Infertility;
  • acute urinary retention;
  • erectile dysfunction.

Medicines used to treat the prostate in men

All drugs for the treatment of prostatitis and prostate adenoma are divided into:

  • antibacterial drugs (antibiotics);
  • anti-inflammatory drugs for the prostate;
  • Medications that relieve symptoms.

Drugs used to treat the prostate in menhave different forms:

  • Injections;
  • rectal suppositories;
  • Instillation (administration of drugs through the urethra);
  • Microclysters (mostly based on herbal medicine);
  • anti-inflammatory pills;
  • Anoint.

The urologist selects a number of drugs based on the stage of the disease, the characteristics of the disease, and the pain syndrome.

Antibiotic treatment

Treatment of prostatitis of bacterial etiology is based on antibiotics:

  • Drugs for the treatment of prostatitis with a wide spectrum of action - tetracyclines. The action of the drug is based on the suppression of protein synthesis;
  • highly effective drugs - fluoroquinolones. Destroy the DNA of microbial cells;
  • known penicillins.

Antibiotics for prostatitis and adenomascan be in the form of suppositories, tablets, ointments, but the most common form of medication is injections. In addition, intravenous injections are the best fast-acting method of drug delivery for treating acute inflammation of the prostate.

The course of treatment for prostatitisis prescribed by a doctor depending on the form of the disease and is usually 7-14 days.

Alpha blockers

This is a group of drugs that help relieve cramps, relax muscles, and thereby improve urine flow.

It is worth noting that almost all alpha blocker drugs have a hypotonic property (lower blood pressure), so men with low blood pressure should use them with caution.


To relieve pain and reduce tissue edema, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed.

Muscle relaxants

Their action is aimed at weakening the tone of the pelvic muscles.


When treating prostatitis, it is recommended to use folk recipes in combination with standard drug treatment, but only with the consent of a urologist.

Medicinal herbs, the properties of which include the treatment of inflammation of the prostate:

Infusion of chestnut peel (drops)

  • chop the peel;
  • Pour boiling water over 3 tablespoons of chopped peel;
  • evaporate in a water bath to 200 ml;
  • Take 30 drops 3 r / day before meals.

Parsley juice

Parsley juice helps with prostatitis
  • Squeeze parsley juice;
  • Take 1 tablespoon 3 r / day 30 minutes before meals.

Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds for prostatitis

Eat a handful of pumpkin seeds (at least 30 pieces) every day before meals.


Modern pharmaceutical companies produce effective drugs for prostatitis in men.

The price of pharmaceutical preparations is quite high. The cost of treating prostatitis will likely break the bank. However, this is not the case when you need to save.

The disease is insidious and has many complications. Therefore, at the first symptomatic manifestations, it is necessary to consult a doctor. He will assess the condition of the prostate and direct it to the necessary research. And he will draw up a suitable treatment regimen, adding vitamins or immunomodulators if necessary. As is well known, problems with the prostate arise from a weakened immunity.

By the same token, for the successful treatment of prostatitis, it is necessary to eat well, part with addictions and exercise. Correct lifestyle and health care will allow you to forget about such an uncomfortable diagnosis as prostatitis.